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    Главная » Статьи » О Компании Protex International Corp

    О Компании Protex

    Логотип Protex

    Компания Protex - мировой производитель систем для дополнительной защиты от краж товаров, находящихся в свободном доступе (на стеллажах и витринах). Продукция компании широко известна на мировом и российском рынках. Специалисты Protex постоянно ведут новые разработки и улучшают характеристики своей продукции.


    About Protex International Corp.


    Protex International Corp. has been providing retailers with premier loss prevention solutions at the highest quality for over 25 years. By evaluating each retailer's need, we provide all of the tools and resources necessary to successfully institute and manage the most effective security management plan.

    Protex International Corp. is providing the world’s leading retailers and fixture manufacturers with innovative solutions that help generate sales while minimizing product returns and reducing shrinkage. A comprehensive product line allows for open merchandise displays that encourage customer interaction and product testing. From soft goods -- clothing, accessories and handbags -- to hard goods -- flat panel screens, computers and laptops -- to consumer electronics -- digital cameras, GPS units, MP3 players and portable DVD players -- Protex has your valuable merchandise covered.

    What better way to showcase your valuable products than with a customized merchandise management application from Protex? Our comprehensive line of loss prevention solutions helps spotlight products while keeping them secured to today’s stylish fixtures. Our products include security-plus-power for consumer electronics, electronic alarms for merchandise and apparel, and mechanical and electronic retractables to keep displays neat and secure. Additionally, Protex works closely with POP and fixture manufacturers, as well as trade show booth manufacturers and exhibit houses, for customized solutions that help sell product and keep it safe.

    Protex International Corp. is headquartered in Bohemia, New York, 45 miles from New York City and a stone’s throw from Islip/MacArthur Airport. Domestically, Protex has built firm relationships with Sears, The Home Depot, Ann Taylor, Macy’s, Office Depot and The Gap, among others. Internationally, Protex has earned great success in the European, Latin American and Asia Pacific regions with a brand presence in 50 countries worldwide.

    What makes Protex unique is our personal approach. Our team will work closely with you to evaluate your needs and challenges, and to devise the most effective solutions for your budget. Through integrity, quality, and exceptional customer service, Protex’s outstanding reputation has remained a solid presence in the asset protection industry for 25 years … and counting.

    Protex Helps …
    … Your World




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    • г.Москва, пр-д Одоевского, 2А
    • тел. +7(495) 981-6532
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