О корпорации Checkpoint-METO
Международная корпорация Checkpoint-METO - производитель передового противокражного оборудования (EAS) - известна на российском рынке с 1992 года. Многолетний опыт работы в области розничной торговли и постоянное совершенствование технологии защиты от краж позволяют предлагать нашим клиентам комплексные решения. Эти решения эффективно работают в сфере маркировки, мониторинга и обеспечения сохранности товаров на всем протяжении цепи поставок.
Сегодня представляется новая линия противокражных систем - это новое поколение цифровых антенн ЕАS, совместимых с существующими системами. Новые противокражные системы позволяют качественно улучшить показатели обнаружения этикетки, увеличить ширину прохода и использовать этикетку меньшего размера.
Новая технология систем защиты от краж дает возможность использовать все преимущества исходной маркировки и RFID.
Компания Checkpoint-METO предлагает множество вариантов решений по защите торговых помещений от несанкционированного выноса товара не только покупателями, но и недобросовестным персоналом.
Новейшие антенны 4-го поколения используют материалы, которые созданы в соответствии с растущими потребностями розничного рынка и являются ориентиром на будущее в области эстетики.
Системами Chekpoint-METO оборудованы более 2500 магазинов в России, например:
- Ашан (RF)
- Маркткауф (RF)
- Перекресток (RF)
- Копейка (RF)
- Столица (EM, RF)
- Бин (RF)
- Оби (EM)
- Алые паруса (EM)
- ТД " Крестовский" (RF)
- Ароматный мир (EM)
- Союз (RF)
- Спортмастер (RF)
- Эльдорадо (EM)
- Мосмарт (RF)
- Леруа Мерлен (RF)
- Виктория
- Вестер
- Экстра
- Лакмин
- магазины бытовой электроники "Медиа - Маркт - Сатурн"
- Технопарк - Электрофлот
- Эксперт
- Debenhams
- Перовский
- Твой Дом
Все товары компании Checkpoint
Checkpoint Systems, Inc., is a US $834.2 million multinational manufacturer and marketer of technology-driven integrated solutions to protect people and assets and to facilitate the merchandising, tracking and securing of consumer goods at key checkpoints in the supply chain.
Checkpoint is traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: CKP).
Experience you can trust
Established in 1969, Checkpoint today is the world's leading provider of radio frequency (RF) based loss prevention systems to the $1 trillion global retail industry. With a heritage of high-performance technology solutions and relationships with an impressive roster of the world’s most successful retailers and manufacturers, Checkpoint continually delivers smart solutions that make it easy for our customers to do business with increased efficiency, cost savings, rapid response and superior service.
Real-world solutions and bottom-line results
With a comprehensive portfolio of products and services ranging from traditional security technologies to real-world RFID systems, source tagging and service bureau capabilities, Checkpoint makes it easy to deploy the right value-added solution to meet the customer’s need to reduce losses and work more efficiently. Capitalizing on our extensive experience and global infrastructure, we help our customers control their assets, boost efficiency, increase sales/circulation — all leading to greater profitability and productivity by bridging the gap between today’s technologies and tomorrow’s.
Checkpoint EAS Basic Information
General Corporate Info
Checkpoint Systems, Inc. is a multinational manufacturer and marketer of technology driven solutions for retail security, labelling, and merchandising. Checkpoint is the leading provider of radio frequency (RF)-based shrink management solutions to the global retail industry, including over half of the world’s top 200 largest global retailers.
Established in 1969, Checkpoint today is the world’s leading provider of radio frequency (RF) based loss prevention systems to the 1$ trillion global retail industry. With a heritage of high-performance technology solutions and relationships with an impressive roster of the world’s most successful retailers and manufacturers, Checkpoint continually delivers smart solutions that make it easy for our customers to do business with increased efficiency, cost savings, rapid response and superior service.
With a comprehensive portfolio of products and services Checkpoint makes it easy to deploy the right value-added solution to meet the customer’s need to reduce losses and work more efficiently. Capitalizing on its extensive experience and global infrastructure, Checkpoint helps its customers control their assets, boost efficiency, increase sales/circulation – all leading to greater profitability and productivity by bridging the gap between today’s technologies and tomorrow’s.
Corporate Fast Facts
What is Checkpoint?
A leading provider of innovative solutions that revitalise the way manufacturers and retailers identify, secure and merchandise consumer goods worldwide.
Checkpoint Systems designs, manufacturers and markets identification and security products that integrate multiple functions including pricing, tracking , promotion and shrinkage management.
Checkpoint is technology leader in RF solutions to retail and its supply chain.
Founded in 1969, with 35 years experience in RF technology.
2004 revenue was $778,679 representing a 8% growth on the previous year.
Over 50% of the revenue is generated in Europe.
More than half the world’s 200 largest retailers rely on Checkpoint’s solutions.
Over 40% worldwide share of EAS solutions.
Direct sales and services in 30 countries.
Manufacturing capability of 7 billion tags a year.
More than 5,000 Source Tagging Partners.
4,000 employees worldwide.
Is a publicly held company which is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “CKP”.
Checkpoint has built its EAS strategy on paper-thin, disposable, non contact deactivatable RF tags and labels. A Checkpoint EAS tag or label permits retailers to price, merchandise, collect information and protect products without interfering with normal store operations.
Checkpoint Systems History
1969 In Pennsylvania, USA, Checkpoint Systems is founded as a company that
manufactures and markets electronic security systems to retail stores and libraries for
the prevention of shrinkage, particularly from shoplifting.
1973 The first Checkpoint security system for the prevention of book theft from public
and academic libraries is introduced. Sales jump from 1 million dollars in 1972 to over
8 million by 1980.
1977 Checkpoint is traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), under the
symbol “CKP”.
1981 Checkpoint moves to Thorofare, New Jersey. It is now a worldwide company
with sales of 10 million dollars.
1989 Checkpoint introduces Radio Frequency Source Tagging or paper-thin RF
labels embedded into products or packaging during manufacture.
1993-1998 Checkpoint acquires a host of companies around the world, creating a
global platform for further expansion and giving the company its first direct presence
in the Asian market.
1999 Checkpoint Systems acquires Meto AG, which is then a leading provider of
value-added labelling solutions for article identification and security,
founded in 1918. The acquisition doubles Checkpoint’s revenues, increases its
breadth of product offerings, and increases its global reach.
2001 Checkpoint completes the acquisition of AW Printing, a Houston- based leading
provider of high quality tags, labels and packaging products for the apparel industry.
The acquisition further expands Checkpoint’s global presence and enhances its
ability to be the single source for integrated tags and labels to apparel retailers and
the garment industry worldwide.
2001 Checkpoint joins the Auto-ID Center of the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT) to support research into cutting-edge automatic identification
2002 Checkpoint successfully holds the European Source Tagging Forum in
Barcelona, an international event that points towards a future in which valuable
consumer products will be protected at source.
2003 Checkpoint Systems launches 3rd Generation EAS antenna also known as 3G,
in Europe.
2004 Checkpoint joins EPC Global, a non profit organisation entrusted to drive the
mass market adoption of RFID in retail enterprise and supply chain applications worldwide.
2004 Checkpoint announces a technology partnership with the METRO Group, the
world's fourth largest retailer, to install Checkpoint's RFID/EAS Gemini concept
antenna in METRO’S Future Store Initiatitive.
2004 Checkpoint signs the EPCglobal Intellectual Property (IP) Policy that represents
Checkpoint’s commitment to the EPCglobal Network and in the creation of open
standards for the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology in retail
enterprise and supply chain applications worldwide.
2004 Checkpoint Systems and Royal Philips Electronics announces a Strategic
Alliance to jointly provide RFID-enabled tags and readers combined with system
integration services to retailers and fast moving consumer products companies.
2004 Checkpoint chosen as the recommended partner for systems integration
services in METRO Group rollout, after being working very closely with METRO
Group in the retailer’s RFID Innovation Centre. Checkpoint provide many of the
applications that will help suppliers, sales divisions and suppliers of the METRO
Group familiarise themselves with Radio Frequency Identification technology (RFID).
2005 Checkpoint opens a new RFID Testing Centre in Barcelona, incorporating a
complete RFID supply chain from Manufacture to Point of Sale.
2005 Checkpoint announces breakthrough in product protection with the launch of
the first RF label that is certified for use with fresh food produce. The company goes
on to announce a joint project with Linpac plastics, the product of which is a
revolutionary new RF protected fresh meat tray.
All Checkpoint EAS goods